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Quality assured

Clients and partners can rest assured that ProPeer’s resolute commitment to quality is our top priority. ProPeer’s approach to ensures that 100% of all clinical reviews meet client and regulatory expectations for turn around times and quality. We work with clients to ensure results are measurable and fit the needs of each program.

At ProPeer, we understand the importance of efficiency, quality, and reliability. Our Quality Assurance team oversees a robust vetting program of final clinical reviews to ensure they meet ProPeer’s quality standards prior to submission to each client. Our process integrates seamlessly into our workflow process to ensure not only a quality product but one that is timely and accurate.
African American woman doctor working at her office doing telemedicine services. Helping patients online and by the phone. Primary care consultations

ProPeer’s multi-layered quality assurance system ensures a continual focus on the timeliness and quality of every review for patients, providers, and payors.

Peace of Mind

ProPeer’s clients have peace of mind knowing our clinical review panel is carefully selected, credentialed, and remain free of conflicts of interest. ProPeer’s in-house clinical recruitment team, in conjunction with our credentialling department, actively recruits and sources qualified clinical reviewer candidates.Through this process, our team preliminarily ensures that the potential clinical reviewer has experience in conducting medico-legal reviews and is adept at working in an electronic environment within stringent timeliness requirements. Once interviewed and necessary verifications are vetted, each candidate is placed before our internal credentialling committee led by our medical director and key clinical and operational team members to ensure each clinical reviewer meets and exceeds all accreditation requirement standards prior to being admitted to our exclusive panel.

Quality never compromised.

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